COLIGHT is shipping worldwide, mainly cover the North America, Europe, Oceania and so on. We use the trusted international carriers serivice to ensure your package arrives safely at its destination.

  • U.S. orders are shipped from our USA warehouse for the fastest delivery times but exceptions may occur based on stock shortage. Accessories, light bulbs and some driving lights will be shipped from the warehouse in China.
  • If you need the order to ship from our US warehouse, please contact us about the inventory. Orders for multiple items are usually packaged and shipped from the CN warehouse.
  • International orders are shipped from our China warehouse. 
  • In-stock orders usually leave our warehouses in 48 hours. Orders placed on Holidays or weekends will ship out on our next open business day.
  • U.S Free shipping when order over $49 for most states. Deliver to Alaska, Guam and Hawaii require a standard shipping fee.
  • Please don't try to intertupt the package when ship out. Once shipped, we will email you with tracking number. 
  • A refund can't be done when the tracking number has been come out. But you can ask for a return then get a refund. Please check the return policy.

**An email is sent to confirm that your order has been received and is being processed. Another email will be sent to you with tracking information when your order ships. Please contact us at or online chat if your tracking number is not updated after 5-7 days.

Shipping Time:

We offer free shipping and standard shipping. Please refer to the table below for various shipping times to some main countries. 

 *****Due to the surge in orders during peak seasons, the delivery may be longer than usual. Especial ship to U.S and Canada.

2024/11/25 UPDATES: Due to the Canadian postal strike, the delivery of some orders will be delayed. Hope for your understanding.*****




Free Shipping

(or Standard Shipping)

United States, Canada, Mexico

7-15 working days

Europe, Australia, New Zealand

7-12 working days

Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore

5-10 working days

India,South Africa,Russia

10-30 working days

Brazil, Chile,Peru 

10-30 working days

If you placed an order and want to know its status, please check your email for tracking information. If you need assistance, send us an email( Please pre-understand, weather conditions and other circumstances outside of our control may also cause delays in transit which unfortunately are out of our hands as well as our shipping carrier’s hands. Please know that we will do everything we can within reason to ensure that your order is shipped and delivered in a timely manner.

Duties and Taxes (2025.2.13 Updated): All prices shown exclude the relevant import taxes and duties. All shipments may be subject to import charges (Duties, Customs tariffs and VAT) which are set by the destination country. They are based on the purchased merchandise’s country of origin/manufacturing and the classification of that merchandise.

We ship products “Duties & Taxes Unpaid” (DDU), unfortunately, we will not be able to predict what your particular charges may be. Any customs duties, taxes (including but not limited to VAT if applicable), penalties, storage charges or other expenses we incur as a result of the actions of customs or other governmental authorities or your failure and/or the receiver’s failure to provide proper documentation and/or to obtain the required licence or permit will be charged to you or the receiver of the shipment.

Items Not Received

If tracking shows your order was delivered but you have not yet received your order, please send us email. We are always work to get your package to you as quickly.

Damaged Packages

We carefully package each order to prevent damage, but accidents do happen. If your product arrives damaged, please notify us within 48 hours of delivery. please follow these steps:

  • Take a photo of damaged items.
  • Keep all packaging and packing material.
  • Contact Colight Customer Support of receiving damaged items, we will handle the issue for 100% satisfation.

Refused Packages

If you change your mind and do not want this order, please do not refuse the package. The right way is return the package to our warehouse after received, then we will refund your money. And please note:

  • If you “refuse” a package from our company, you are responsible for all charges that are incurred for the delivery failure.
  • Any refunds issued for “refused” packages will be less any and all shipping charges (original and return shipping charges).
  • International customers are responsible for all shipping charges, as well as all incurred brokerage fees.
  • If you would like to have your order reshipped, you must pay for all re-shipping charges again along with any return postage costs.

Undeliverable Packages

  • If a package is returned to us due to an undeliverable reason like an incomplete address, the customer is responsible for all reshipment costs.
  • If you do not wish to have the package reshipped, a refund will be issued less the cost of all shipping.
  • For International customers, the refund will be less all shipping charges and incurred brokerage fees.

We do not ship to PO Boxes. Please make sure to enter your complete and authentic address during checkout. If there are 4 digits after the zip code, please add it, otherwise the delivery will fail.